My dear son has put in his application for graduation. He will be done with college by Christmas. It is exciting and scarey all in one. What does a college graduate have to look forward to these days?
This year he is a senator at the college. It is a shame that he has to give that up half way through the year because he is getting such good experience from it. He has shown so much personal growth so far this year and I credit student government for that. Well hopefully it will help his resume' anyway.
I ask him about his plans for his future. They include: get a job, take a trip, start his own business. I think about the get a job part. Will this job take him away from home? Will he be able to afford all his dreams? Then I remember that Washington keeps raising it's minimum wage. He can just get a job at McDonalds and make as much as those guys who work those hard physical labor jobs.
Guess he didn't need that college degree after all.
Just kidding, I hope he does a little better then that. I just couldn't resist putting my little jab in there about the minimum wage increase. I could go on about why that was a bad idea for everybody but, this blog isn't about that.
A Thing Aaron Taught Me
1 week ago
Way to go Aaron. We're all so proud of you and your accomplishments. We have watched you grow so much through your willingness and dedication to being a representative for your school. It will surely help in your next adventures in your young life. Love to you. Grandma.
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