Saturday, February 4, 2012

What's T H A T you said?

There were some things on my mind this morning, so I decided to talk with my husband about them.

So I started telling him about some current events in our lives and how it was making me feel. Wanting his input and his manly non-emotional view point, I ask him what he thinks.

Does a T curve this way or that? It curves this way so that it can be carried right into the h. Then you can take a break and start an a. 

I watch as he writes a t h and then an a in the air.

What! I don't know whether to laugh or punch him. So I laugh and then ask him what he was going to spell. 


Although irritated that he was obviously in another world while I was seeking his counsel, I can't help but find this hilarious. Then I chastise him for his lack of attention. 

Surely he has learned his lesson now. I continue on with my feelings and then again ask what he thinks.

If I hold on right here like this and it spins like this, how many times are you going to go around? How many times are you suppose to go around?

Again he animates his words with his hands flying around in the air.


Half an hour later while we were cooking breakfast, he finally provided the guidance I was seeking. Turns out he was paying attention after all.